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Merchant ID question
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Post Merchant ID question 

I am using 2checkout, and I have plugged my merchant ID number in for my gateway username. Is this correct because when I order stuff from my store it tells me the ID number is either not entered or invalid, and I'm pretty sure it's not invalid. Should the ID number be entered somewhere else?

Thanks for the help,

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That is correct your merchant ID is the gateway username.
Have you tried to run a purchase with the store in "test" mode, yet?
You will want to set everything up and test it in test mode before going "live".
I think that once you go "live", there may also be a setting in your 2Checkout control panel, at 2Checkout, to take the store out of test mode.


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Post more merchant problems 
Now when I try to do an order I get this message:

Parameter Error

Incorrect parameters were supplied, therefore this purchase cannot begin.

I've got it locked so it only accepts USPS orders, and I'm selecting USPS Priority like I'm supposed to. In fact, I'm doing the exact same order that I did yesterday when it let me through to the secure order form. Now it's giving me this message. I'm totally flummoxed here. Is there anyone in the LA area that I can pay a few bucks to and fix this for me?


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What is the URL to your store?

God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Post URL 
The URL to my web site is Once you enter through the first page you can scroll halfway down the second page and click on a BUY... link for one of the movies featured there and that will take you into the store.

Thanks for the help,

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Post URL 2 
Where I said "BUY..." in the previous post I meant "ADD..." Once you get to the site I'm sure you'll figure it out.


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You could have told me it was an "adult" site. Actually, "adult" sites need to be noted that they are adult before clicking on a website addy.

Double check and make sure that you are using the appropriate URL for your account.
2Checkout should have sent you the URl to use in their email to you.

Not sure why there might be an invalid parameter. Have you asked them what might cause that error?

God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Did you take the $ sign out in store manager? If you check the following post you will find a set of instructions for setting up 2checkout V2, and how to do some edits to use the $ sign.

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Post Well, actually.... 
scottcrew wrote:
You could have told me it was an "adult" site. Actually, "adult" sites need to be noted that they are adult before clicking on a website addy.

Double check and make sure that you are using the appropriate URL for your account.
2Checkout should have sent you the URl to use in their email to you.

Not sure why there might be an invalid parameter. Have you asked them what might cause that error?

I wouldn't refer to my site as an "adult" site. It's certainly a "sophisticated adolescent" site. That's more like it.


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Post Switching Payment Gateway 
OK, so if 2checkout is being such a pain, maybe I should switch to something else like iTransact. But a couple of questions first 1) is a merchant ID 6 digits or 12? 2)is there a difference between a merchant account number and a MID? 3)Is there anywhere that I should be entering the TID number? 4)my credit card processor company is Express Merchant Processing Solutions and they run under the FDMS Envoy/FDC Nashville Network (try saying that 5 times fast), does that make a difference on any of the Agora supported gateways?


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Did you follow the instructions in the string I posted the link for?
I have been with 2checkout for about 3 years, and they have just gotten around to upgrading me to V2, so I haven't completed the process yet. However, the string I referred you to seems to contain everything needed.
1) The ID is 6 numbers
2) The only 2checkout ID is the 6 numbers
3) No idea of what you are asking here. If you are using a processor for which Agoracart doesn't have a gateway you would be doing that with the Offline gateway, which has no effect on other gateways.
Maybe Ahmed, the person who found the solutions posted in the other string will see this string and reply.

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