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Website & Shopping Cart: pondering their basic relations
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Post Website & Shopping Cart: pondering their basic relations 

For several years I've had a "non-pay" site whose several pages list, with illustrations, the Limited Edition Prints (art) that my family is selling.

I've decided to turn that into a "pay site", and I'd envisioned learning how to embed a bit of code into the existing pages ('add-to-cart' and 'pay-now' links). It was my hope that I could use the existing site with those shopping-cart links added to each item that's listed, so that the shopper could stay in that site, until it was time to go to a checkout page.
(In the meantime I'd wanted a third link available which would open a pop-up page that monitors the status of the Cart's contents while the shopper's still in the web site. But that approach to the Cart monitoring is negotiable...)

Is there a tutorial which addresses these first questions of what sort of Shopping Cart software I need, or how to embed code in an existing site instead of using (AgoraCart's) catalogue-product pages...?

My domain host has cPanel, in which there's the icon-link for AgoraCart, and that's all: My host leaves it to this site to explain everything, so I've got this far without even knowing if this software is what I need, or whether some cut-paste code in my HTML is all I need 'on the front end', and that I should be spending my time studying protocols between that code and the Gateway, etc., that I'll be hailing from the checkout page.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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First of all you do not want to install the cart available in the cpanel. You want to download the FTP5 installer file available on the "Download" page on this site.

For learning how to use "Add to Cart" buttons, please review the posts found in the "Add to Cart / Buy Now buttons" area of the forum:


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Hi again.

I've downloaded SmartFTP and FTP5.
I'm snagged on SmartFTP's configuration.

The tutorial's showing the creation of a "demo web" and "demo 345" or something, in SmartFTP's Favourites, and I don't know what those are supposed to represent. (It would be a lot more helpful if they were "MyDomain" and "mySubDomain" if that's what they're supposed to mean.)

In the Properties window of the file I generated, there's a window in which to put "ftp information " for "Host", but nothing I try works: I don't know if "Host" means my domain host, or my own Domain...

I am trying to set this up for a subDomain, so my Domain could be a host as well -- but do I include the subDomain in that path? I've tried all three options and I get an error message for the password.
I'm using the same password that I use to log-in to my Domain Host.
I've watched SmartFTP's tutorials and also my Domain Host's tutorials, and neither address the issue of sub-domains and paths for sub-domains.

For starters, I'd like to know, please, what "Host" is. And when I type the path underneath that, do I type "", or"? Or something else entirely!
Should I use a new password here?

Thanks again for any help.

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For host use just: (or whatever it is..) no other path info...


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Thanks. So "host" means my own Domain.

The tutorial and the actual SmartFTP windows didn't look the same so it took a while to discover how to configure the program to upload the file in ASCII format.
(Favorites > Edit Favorites > click the MyDomain listing > Properties for that listing > click on ASCII/BINARY in the left window, and specify transfer type in the drop-down menu.)

Once the FTP5.cgi file was uploaded as an ASCII file... nothing more happened.
So I wandered around the File Manager on my Domain Host's site, until I found the .cgi file. The way my Host's windows are set up, one must click on the "file" icon beside the .cgi file's name, and then look to the right side of the screen to where an HTML URL is listed.
When I clicked on that link, I got a page in the browser that led me through the quick steps for installing Agora 5.

So I'm finally back at zero, out of the negative numbers. Yay!
Thanks again. HIH too.

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Once you have the file uploaded, make sure that the permissions are set to 755 for the FTP5.cgi file.
Then go to your browser and type in the URL to the FTP5.cgi file.

The installer should take off from there. Just follow the directions on the screen.
When it finishes installing, you might want to print the final page because it has the steps that you need to follow to get the initial setups done for the store. You will want to do these *before* trying to view the store.


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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