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delete items without extra clicks
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Post delete items without extra clicks 

I am attempting to figure out a way to have the "delete item" checkbox in the cart. The reason behind this is that, if ever a user wants to remove an item from the cart, he/she shouldn't have to first click on the "delete items" button, wait for the cart to be redisplayed, delete the item, and then click again on a button to update the cart. In the code (i'm refering to the item-delete functionality is handled seperately. How would I go about merging cart management tasks (ie: delete an item or change the quantity) in order to offer them without requiring any extra mouse work from the user?


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Currently your cart only shows number of items and total (at least that is the normal setup, unless you have altered the cart in the page)

In order to put a delete button in the cart you would have to define each item individually, unless you are only actually selling one item.

If your customer chooses 20 items you would have to display those 20 items in the cart on all the pages in order for your customer to choose the item they wanted to delete, this may produce a very long cart in your page....

I'm sure there are ways that some scripting can be done to your cart in order to process what you want, but you may have to look at the practical view in order to make sure that a box holding 20 + items is aesthetically viable in your pages.

If this is not what you meant and you had a different view of what you wanted, eg displaying the items in your cart alongside each individual product then let me know and I can look into its viability.


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This is just a "convenience" issue. It is not vital at the moment but it's definitely something I'll set my mind to.
When you have your cart details, each row shows, along with the product name/id/picture, the quantity (in an editable quantity box), and the delete check box. With that, the user can either update the quantity or delete the row altogether regardless of the quantity. That would require much fooling around with the code; first in agora.cgi's action dispatcher, and then with agora_order_lib. The idea is to come up with a cart_update routine that'll handle both quantity change and/or row deletion by combining modify_quantity_of_items_in_cart() and delete_from_cart()

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Ah! got you now!

In the page after you click "View cart Details" Ok!

Thought you was talking about the cart box shown on every page in order to avoid going to the view cart details.

I was thinking you wanted itemised in the Cart box on every page with delete, alter quant in there!
Or having each individual item show what is in the cart and how many so as you go round you could alter from the individual item Product Page.

Ok, looking at your actual requirements now, may take a while to find a solution. I did have a code that wrote the chosen item to a shopping list so that when people returned they logged in and could access their shopping list, then tick the items they wanted that week and it updated their cart.... Not got that script now though as the customer never paid, I wiped all indication of the script so they couldn't rip me off by using it....... but it is on the same lines as it uses the alter quantities and delete items on the same page.


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yes, I imagine it's alota work; but doable nonetheless.


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You could just remove the delete items button...
If a customer changes the quantity to "0" and hits the Edit button the product will be deleted...

God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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