If I remember correctly, I am running version 4.OK. (can't log into manager to see)
My site is hosted by Ipower.
I can no longer log into the store manager. I have been in touch with their "tech support" people several times with no luck so far.
Here is what is happening. When I go to www.mydoman/store/protected/manager.cgi, I get the pop-up box as expected. When I enter my username and password and click enter, I get this:
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.
I have been reading through the posts here about problems logging into the store manager after the Ipower server migration, as that is precisely when my problem occured. I tried going to the site via ftp and deleting the .htaccess file from the store/protected folder and then trying to log in. There was no longer a pop-up box and I got the same error message as above.
I downloaded a copy of the mgr_pass.pl from the store/protected/misc file and took a look. The username and password that it lists is correct.
I am at a loss as to what to do. The Ipower people want me to re-install the cart...
Any ideas?