I was just hoping to get confirmation on exactly which characters are disallowed in which product db fields:
This is what I have - is this correct?
Product ID
!,#,@,$,%,&,*,(,),{,},{,},|,\,/,=,+.-,?,<,>,~, commas, colons, semi-colons, periods, and spaces.
!,#,@,$,%,&,*,(,),{,},{,},|,\,/,=,+,?,<,>,~, commas, colons, semi-colons, and periods.
Product Name
!,#,@,$,%,&,*,(,),{,},{,},|,\,/,=,+,?,<,>,~, colons, and semi-colons. (this seems weird because one of the example products with agora has a colon in the name?)
newline characters (according to user guide... it can take all the other special characters?)