"Using the method above, you can have a base price in the database, and add an extra amount to it via the option file. Or you can set the price to 0.00 in the database and put all your prices in the option file. If you do the latter you may need to replace some code in your file to suppress printing a price of $0.00 for that item. If so, the following works in most instances (and is optional) -- just find the code that prints out the price & replace it with:"
<code><!-- agorascript-pre {<br>
$readprice = $database_fields[$db{'price'}];<br>
if ($readprice =~ /^0.00/i) {$newprice = "";}<br>
if ($readprice =~ /^0/i) {$newprice = "";}<br>
else {$newprice = "%%price%% ";}<br>
if ($readprice =~ /^0.00/i) {$pricelabel = "";}<br>
if ($readprice =~ /^0/i) {$pricelabel = "";}<br>
else {$pricelabel = "Price: ";}<br>
print qq~<br>
I have put all my prices in my options files, and I want to suppress the printing price as it says above. Part of the directions say "just find the code that prints out the price & replace it with:"
So my question is, where is the code that prints out the price in the file?