You will want to get rid of iframes as soon as you can. Not really a good reason to use them within AgoraCart.
Anyway, I did find something on the sort. It does require hacking a core file, so be careful and make backups *before* doing any editing:
agora.cgi file. near the bottom you will find the sub cartlinks. below that you'll find...
opendir(PAGES,"./html")||die("Cannot open Directory!");
@clinknames = readdir(PAGES);
for $clinknames(@clinknames) {
just add "sort" to the array like so...
opendir(PAGES,"./html")||die("Cannot open Directory!");
@clinknames = readdir(PAGES);
for $clinknames(sort @clinknames) {
I hope it works for you.
God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator
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