check out - step one and step two...
traditionally step one is where the client fills in at least the state, shipping method and zipcode. there are processes that rely on this data such as shipping cost, taxes and shipping destination (api relies on the zipcode). there are other things that rely on this information as well but generally this is the only place the default store allows for this data. when submitted to step two then all relevant calculations are made for shipping, tax and final cost which is then passed to auth.net. with vitrual downloads this step can be bypassed... not taxes, no shipping and no need for the data.
step two accumulates the final values then passes the data to auth.net. cart id, final shipping costs totals are not user editable at auth.net so the core data is written in stone. some data that is passed to auth.net maybe edited in the secure auth.net form. you set those editable fields in the auth.net administration manager.
cart_footer - viewcart...
the cart_footer.inc is parsed only on the "view cart" page. this is where qty can be changed, items deleted, cart contents are sumarized and you can either continue shopping or check out. it's almost always best to run the client past this page prior to checking out so they can make adjustments to their cart contents if incorrect. for example they may hit the add to cart button one too many times if confused as to how to get to the page. this will add too much qty or an unnecessary product to their cart.
this file is part of a form. note the </form> tag at the bottom. so don't add another form unless it's below the </form> tag.
located in the store/html/html-templates folder
auth.net required fields - AuthorizeNet-order_lib.pl
the following are the required fields in the file. around line 65...
@sc_order_form_required_fields = (
you can comment out these three lines to eliminate them.
this file is located in the store/library sub directory.
i think i was mistaken on the suggested links for the cart footer. default is...
<INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" NAME="order_form_button" VALUE="Complete Secure Order" SRC="%%URLofImages%%/complete_order.gif" BORDER="0">
and link (inputs) to step two is...
TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="gateway" VALUE="AuthorizeNet">
<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME ="submit_order_form_button" VALUE = "Next">
but i got those othe inputs from someplace so consider them. they maybe failed dev inputs. don't remember. LOL
it may even be possible to fo directly to auth.net from viewcart but i've never tried it. maybe a header redirect from the lib.pl file. but try without the redirect first. possibly an additional input on the checkout button would do it if necessary. providing your conditional are iron clad in the cart footer.
just holler if you need some help.
Last edited by Dan on Fri Jun 17, 05 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total