Hi Bonnie,
Just want to continue with the setting up of both Paypal and offline here with this thread as it is what I would like to ask.
You have helped me fix my paypal check out in the shipping thread. I need to now set it to work with off line bank deposit as well.
Meanwhile I have had multiple gateway set to no as advised earlier. What should I do now?
should I turn it back on?
my url is :http://blingimaging.com.au/shop/agora.cgi
Also how do i upload an ANZ icon to put it next to paypal at the checkout? It would be just an order form for that and they will pay thru their own internet banking. Do I need to put in my server shared SSL for the form?
I have downloaded the offline form from server in ASC11 mode and would like to take off the credit card option and all the long list of States except for those in Australia. Also I would like them to be able to have 4 choices: 1)Deposit at ANZ Branch 2) Internet transfer 3) Business cheqque 4) Postal Order. Please show me the areas I am to delete and where I am to add in the choices.
I do apologise for having so many questions but once I get these sorted out, I will be fine. I even managed to make a larger pop up image when clicked on in the product paage by foloowing your instructions in another thread. Feeling proud of myself
I am learning very slowly but I will get there.
thanks heaps