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About that quantity problem...
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Post About that quantity problem... 

I've been working on an Agora store for a customer and have had the same problem mentioned here in other posts with regard to the quantity doubling. I've told it not to multiply by quantity in the Cart Display Manager, but the issue keeps recurring.

The site is at
You can go straight to the cart at


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niether link works even after removing the trailing period.

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Your site appears to be down?
Actually, I did a search on the domain name and it doesn't even seem to be registered...

Is your web host iPowerWeb? If so, I would start looking for a better web host.
iPowerWeb is notorious for causing a lot of headaches and have problems on their servers.
Especially with their migration to their new v3 vdeck.... They also tend to blame you or your scripts for the problems that are occurring on their servers... their tech support is not very helpful.
I know this from personal experience when trying to set up stores for my clients. Sometimes thee aren't any problems, but much of the time there are lots of problems. If it's not one thing, it's another...

Also, if you have a version that is earlier than v5.2, you will want to install v5.2 using the installer file found by following the "Download" link on the upper left of this page.


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Oops. The link is the cart can be seen at

Perhaps if I were brighter, this wouldn't be much of a problem at all.

Is installing the latest AgoraCart an easy thing to do? Or will I have to completely redo the store from scratch. Right now, it's in version 4.

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Installing v5.2 is not hard.
You can transfer your data.file and images to the new store.
As it is, you have a lot of info in the header file that MUST be removed.
You cannot have any of the stuff from your custom body tag on up to the head tag in the header file.
There are appropriate places to put that info in v5.2.
Also, v5.2 is CSS driven, and that's where you will put your CSS info in the manager.

You can use your current headers/footers, but there will be some edits to them for use in v5.2.
IE: The file extension in v5.2 is .html, not .inc.
Also the location of the headers and footers has changed because of the templating system that has been implemented in v5.2. So your custom headers/footers would be placed in the
'html/html-templates/templates/Custom' directory.

Your buttonset (Add to Cart, Edit Items, etc...) will need to be put into a new directory in the 'html/images/buttonsets' directory.

There are other minor changes that may need to be done and have been outlined in the folowing thread:

This might look like a lot of work, but trust me, it will be the best thing in the long run.
v5.2 is much more secure and more user friendly.


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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